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Top 3 Steps to Prevent Mold After a Water Loss

7/11/2024 (Permalink)

Wet stains on ceiling. Water leaks can lead to significant mold problems if not addressed quickly.

Dealing with water intrusion in your home can be stressful enough, but the aftermath can bring about a new set of challenges, particularly the risk of mold growth. Mold can start to develop within 24 to 48 hours following water exposure, so acting quickly is crucial. Here are the top three steps you can take to prevent mold after your home has experienced water intrusion.

1. Remove Water and Dry the Area Immediately

The first and most critical step in preventing mold growth is to remove any standing water and dry out the area as quickly as possible. Utilizing wet/dry vacuums can effectively remove water from floors, while pumping equipment is needed for larger floods. After removing the water, it's important to address soaked items:

  • Lift wet carpets and rugs to air them out. If the padding is wet, it needs to be replaced to prevent mold beneath the carpet.
  • Move wet furniture to a dry area to facilitate drying. Use fans and dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process. For expensive or valuable pieces, consider professional drying services.
  • Open windows and use fans to air out enclosed spaces. If drywall has absorbed water, it may need to be cut away to prevent mold hidden behind it.
  • Aim to dry out the home within 24 hours to minimize mold risk. Dehumidifiers can help maintain low indoor humidity, which is crucial in damp environments.

2. Clean and Disinfect All Affected Surfaces

Once the area is dry, the next step is to thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces that were in contact with water. This step is essential to prevent any potential mold from taking hold.

  • Hard Surfaces: Clean hard surfaces with soap and water followed by a disinfectant. Solutions containing at least 70% alcohol or commercial disinfectants effectively kill mold spores that might have started to form.
  • Soft Materials: Wash all clothing, bedding, and other machine-washable items in hot water. For items that can't be laundered, consider professional cleaning or, in severe cases, disposal.

Ensure thorough cleaning as mold can hide in small nooks and crannies. Be meticulous, especially in areas less visible or accessible.

3. Monitor Humidity and Ventilation

Long-term prevention of mold involves maintaining low humidity levels and ensuring good ventilation within your home. Invest in a good-quality hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels, which should ideally be kept between 30% and 50%.

  • Regular Ventilation: Use exhaust fans in high-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Regular use of air conditioning during humid months also helps keep moisture levels under control.
  • Spot Checks: Regularly inspect areas where water intrusion occurred, looking out for signs of dampness or mold growth. Early detection can prevent widespread mold damage.

Water leaks can lead to significant mold problems if not addressed quickly and effectively. By following these top three steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of mold growth in your home. If the water damage is extensive, or if mold has already started to appear, it may be wise to contact professionals. SERVPRO of East Memphis specializes in water damage restoration and mold remediation and can help ensure your home returns to a safe, mold-free environment.

The Science of Dehumidification: Restoring Indoor Air Quality

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation In this blog, we will explore the concept of dehumidification, its benefits, and how it can be used to restore indoor air quality.

Dehumidification plays a vital role in the water restoration process, especially when it comes to restoring indoor air quality. Understanding the science of dehumidification can help you comprehend its importance in maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment. In this blog, we will explore the concept of dehumidification, its benefits, and how it can be used to restore indoor air quality.

What is Dehumidification?

Dehumidification is the process of removing excess moisture from the air, reducing humidity levels, and creating a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. High humidity levels can promote the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria, leading to potential health hazards and property damage. Dehumidification helps to eliminate excessive moisture and restore balance to indoor air quality.

The Benefits of Dehumidification

Dehumidification offers a range of benefits that contribute to a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Here are some key advantages of incorporating dehumidification into the water restoration process:

  1. Mold and Mildew Prevention: High humidity levels provide the ideal conditions for mold and mildew growth. Dehumidification removes excess moisture, preventing the proliferation of these harmful substances and reducing associated health risks.
  2. Odor Reduction: Excessive moisture in the air can cause unpleasant odors and musty smells. Dehumidification helps eliminate these odors by addressing the root cause: high humidity levels.
  3. Enhanced Indoor Comfort: High humidity can make the air feel heavy and stifling. Dehumidification helps create a more comfortable indoor environment by reducing humidity levels and making the air feel lighter and more breathable.
  4. Protection for Your Property: Excessive moisture in the air can damage furniture, electronics, and other valuable assets. Dehumidification helps to protect your property by reducing the risk of water damage and preserving its integrity.

The Dehumidification Process

Dehumidification involves several key components that work together to remove moisture from the air. These components typically include:

  1. Dehumidifier Unit: The dehumidifier unit is the core component of the system. It draws in humid air, cools it to condense moisture, and collects the water in a reservoir or drains it away.
  2. Evaporator Coil: The evaporator coil inside the dehumidifier cools the incoming air to lower its temperature, causing moisture to condense and collect.
  3. Condenser Coil: The condenser coil then reheats the air, returning it to its original temperature before being released back into the room.
  4. Drainage System: Excess water collected during the dehumidification process is either stored in a reservoir that needs to be emptied or drained away via a hose.

Dehumidification in the Water Restoration Process

Dehumidification is a critical component of the water restoration process, particularly after water damage incidents. It helps to remove excess moisture from the air, accelerate the drying of structural components, and prevent further damage from occurring. Professional restoration technicians often employ advanced dehumidification techniques and equipment to ensure effective moisture removal and restoration of indoor air quality.

In conclusion, understanding the science of dehumidification is crucial for comprehending its significance in restoring indoor air quality. By removing excessive moisture from the air, dehumidification helps prevent mold growth, reduce odors, enhance comfort, and protect your property. When it comes to water restoration, incorporating dehumidification techniques can facilitate the efficient and effective drying of affected areas, ensuring a safe and healthy environment. For expert assistance in dehumidification and water restoration, consider reaching out to SERVPRO®. Our trained professionals can provide comprehensive solutions to restore indoor air quality and address water-related issues properly.

Stay Informed: The Best Weather Apps for Tracking Storms

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation In this blog post, we will explore some of the best weather apps available for tracking storms and receiving weather alerts.

When it comes to staying informed about severe weather conditions and storms, technology can be your best ally. Weather apps have revolutionized the way we track and receive updates on approaching storms, providing real-time information right at our fingertips. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best weather apps available for tracking storms and receiving weather alerts, keeping you prepared and safe during extreme weather events.

The Weather Channel App

The Weather Channel App is one of the most popular and reliable weather apps available. It provides a wide range of features, including an interactive radar map, severe weather alerts, hourly and 10-day forecasts, and video updates from meteorologists. With its user-friendly interface and accurate data, this app is a must-have for tracking storms and receiving timely weather alerts.


AccuWeather is another top-rated weather app that offers an extensive range of features for tracking storms. It provides minute-by-minute precipitation forecasts, radar maps, and severe weather alerts, including thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. AccuWeather also offers a unique "RealFeel" feature that takes into account factors such as humidity, wind, and cloud cover to provide a more accurate representation of how the weather will feel.

NOAA Weather Radar Live

NOAA Weather Radar Live is the official app of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), providing access to their advanced weather data. It offers real-time radar imagery, severe weather alerts, and detailed weather forecasts. This app is particularly valuable for users who want access to the latest data from NOAA and prefer a more straightforward design.

Dark Sky

Dark Sky is known for its hyperlocal weather forecasts, providing minute-by-minute weather predictions for your exact location. It features stunning radar animations, customizable weather alerts, and a user-friendly interface. Dark Sky's ability to forecast when precipitation will start or stop within the next hour is especially useful for those tracking storms.

Weather Underground

Weather Underground combines data from thousands of weather stations around the world to offer accurate and hyperlocal forecasts. It features interactive radar maps, customizable weather alerts, and crowd-sourced weather reports. The app also provides historical weather data, which can be useful for tracking storm patterns and understanding local climate trends.

Storm Radar

Storm Radar is a powerful weather app that combines high-resolution radar imagery, advanced storm tracking, and real-time weather alerts. It offers detailed storm information, including storm cells, lightning strikes, and hurricane paths. Storm Radar also provides interactive weather maps, giving users comprehensive visualizations of impending storms.

Remember that the accuracy and performance of weather apps can vary depending on various factors, such as your location and the specific features you need. It's always a good idea to try different apps and see which one suits your needs best.

By having one of these top weather apps installed on your phone, you can stay informed about approaching storms, receive weather alerts, and track their progress in real-time. These apps ensure that you are prepared and can take appropriate actions to protect yourself and your property during severe weather events.

In addition to using these weather apps, it's crucial to listen to local authorities, have an emergency plan in place, and follow any official evacuation or safety instructions. If your property suffers damage during a storm, remember that SERVPRO® is here to assist with efficient storm damage cleanup and restoration services.

Stay informed, stay safe, and be prepared with the best weather apps for tracking storms and receiving timely weather alerts.

Understanding Fire Safety Codes and Regulations

4/17/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on fire remediation In this blog, we will explore the importance of fire safety codes and regulations for residential and commercial buildings.

Fire safety is a critical aspect of protecting both residential and commercial properties. Understanding and complying with fire safety codes and regulations is essential for safeguarding lives, minimizing property damage, and ensuring a secure environment. In this blog, we will explore the importance of fire safety codes and regulations for residential and commercial buildings, highlighting the key elements that property owners and managers need to consider to ensure compliance and minimize the risk of fire damage.

Residential Fire Safety Codes

Residential fire safety codes outline the requirements and guidelines necessary to enhance fire prevention and response in homes. These codes often cover aspects such as:

  1. Smoke alarms and detectors: The installation, location, and maintenance of smoke alarms are crucial for the early detection of fires. Codes specify the minimum number and placement of smoke alarms within residential properties.
  2. Fire extinguishers: Codes may mandate the presence of portable fire extinguishers to provide residents with the means to combat small fires before they escalate.
  3. Escape routes and egress: Fire safety codes commonly address the importance of clear and accessible escape routes, including properly sized and maintained windows and doors in bedrooms, satisfying egress requirements.

Compliance with residential fire safety codes is essential for ensuring the safety of occupants and minimizing the risk of fire damage.

Commercial Building Fire Safety Codes

Commercial building fire safety codes are more complex and comprehensive due to the larger scale, higher occupancy, and diverse uses of these premises. Some crucial elements addressed within these codes include:

  • Fire suppression systems: Commercial buildings often require the installation and maintenance of fire suppression systems, such as sprinkler systems and fire suppression extinguishing systems, to control or extinguish fires quickly.
  • Exit and emergency lighting: Adequate exit signage and emergency lighting are vital for directing occupants to safe exit routes during emergencies.
  • Fire alarm systems: Commercial buildings typically require a comprehensive fire alarm system covering various areas, including manual pull stations, smoke detectors, heat detectors, and fire alarm control panels.
  • Fire-rated construction: Codes may specify requirements for fire-rated walls, doors, and other building elements to limit the spread of fire and smoke within the building and provide safe evacuation paths.

Importance of Compliance

Complying with fire safety codes and regulations is not only a legal requirement but also a crucial part of responsible property ownership and management. Failure to adhere to these codes can lead to severe consequences, such as fines, penalties, liability issues, and increased risk of fire damage. Non-compliance may also result in difficulties with insurance coverage, as certain policies require adherence to fire safety codes.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

To ensure ongoing compliance with fire safety codes, regular inspections and maintenance are essential. Property owners and managers should schedule inspections by qualified professionals to identify potential fire hazards, assess the condition of fire protection systems, and ensure compliance with relevant codes. Additionally, regular maintenance of fire safety equipment, including extinguishers, alarms, and sprinkler systems, is crucial to ensure optimal functionality.

Navigating Fire Damage Restoration

In the unfortunate event of a fire, prompt fire damage restoration is vital for minimizing further damage and restoring the property to its pre-fire condition. Working with professionals experienced in fire restoration is crucial to ensure comprehensive cleaning, deodorization, and restoration of the affected areas, complying with industry standards and regulations.

Understanding fire safety codes and regulations is crucial for protecting residential and commercial properties from fire hazards and minimizing the risk of fire damage. Compliance with these codes ensures the safety and well-being of occupants, provides peace of mind, and helps mitigate potential legal and financial repercussions. Regular inspections, maintenance, and prompt restoration by experienced professionals are instrumental in maintaining compliance and ensuring a safe environment. If your property has experienced fire damage, contact fire restoration specialists like SERVPRO® for professional fire restoration services that adhere to industry standards and fire safety regulations.

How To Provide First Aid for Burns

6/21/2023 (Permalink)


Whether a fire is severe enough to cause fire damage, occupants of a commercial building may still suffer burns. It is essential to keep first aid supplies on site. Here are four steps to care for burns in the workplace. 

1. Determine the Severity

Assess the severity of a burn before attempting to provide first aid. Call for emergency assistance if a burn is severe, deep, or covers an area larger than three inches in diameter. While you wait for help to arrive, make sure that the person who has suffered the burn is safe. You may cover the affected area with a cool, moist bandage or clean cloth. It is possible to treat most minor burns on site.

2. Cool the Burn

If it is a minor burn and the skin is unbroken, run cool water to relieve pain and limit cellular damage. You can also apply a damp compress. There is no need to immerse a burn in water. If the skin is broken, do not run cool water over it.

3. Moisturize and Bandage

It is good to have an emergency kit with burn cream in a commercial property in case of fire damage. Apply this ointment or another gentle moisturizer to a burn to prevent drying. Some formulas contain analgesics that help to relieve pain. Bandage the burn by loosely wrapping sterile gauze around the affected area. This material can safely cover delicate, blistered skin.

4. Avoid Breaking Blisters

Blisters form to protect burned areas from infection. Do not intentionally break these blisters. If a blister does break, cleanse the area with water. You can also use mild soap. Apply antibiotic ointment and re-bandage the burn.

Take these burn first aid measures to treat injuries in the workplace. Call for medical help if burns are severe or extensive. If the incident that caused burns has also resulted in fire damage, contact SERVPRO of East Memphis at (901) 754-9061.

SERVPRO of East Memphis Lesser-Known Cleaning Categories

6/21/2023 (Permalink)


So...What Does SERVPRO Do?

With so many restoration companies out there, it’s hard to know which company is the right fit. And in the midst of a crisis, calling for emergency service, that decision can seem impossible and overwhelming. We are a restoration company defined by quality. While we have built a reputation for our top tier fire and water restoration services, (seriously, see our 5-star reviews), we also service many other cleanup categories. 

SERVPRO’s Lesser-Known Cleanup Categories

On top of water damage cleanup, fire restoration, mold remediation, commercial and residential cleaning, contents cleaning—which includes drapes, blinds, walls, floors ceilings, upholstery and carpets—SERVPRO of East Memphis also does:

  • General cleaning and graffiti removal
  • Air ducts and HVAC cleaning, not repair
  • Brick, stone, and concrete cleaning
  • Odor removal and deodorization
  • Debris removal
  • Vandalism and graffiti removal
  • Trauma and Crime Scene cleanup
  • Biohazard cleaning
  • Sewage cleanup

Wow, what a list, right? That’s not all we do. We also professionally sanitize your home or business with our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned process. We have a proprietary blend of disinfectants to deal with biological contaminants.

Specialized Training — Certified: SERVPRO Clean

The Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC)  set forth protocols, and we are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business to high standards. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants. We go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff performs daily.

The CDC encourages cleaning high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC's guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment
  • Specialized Products

The CDC recommends the usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line, available on Amazon, carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. Do you need proactive cleaning of your commercial property or any of our lesser-known cleaning services? Call SERVPRO of East Memphis today at 901-382-0900.

How Surface Water May Be Causing Your Flooded Basement

6/21/2023 (Permalink)


How to Protect Your Foundation and Prevent This Type of Flooding

A flooded basement can be caused by surface water flooding, meaning external water is not draining correctly away from your home. You can do a few things to help protect your foundation and prevent this type of flooding.

1. Dealing with Roofline Overflow

Overflowing and clogged gutter systems can result in significant damage. Overflow from gutters can lead to the wearing away of soil and foundational cracks. The three most common causes of gutter system overflow and basement flooding are:

  • Leaf Buildup: Gutters should be cleaned a few times per year, typically at the change of seasons. When debris is left to clog the gutters, the overflow trickles down exterior walls and into your basement.

  • Insufficient Downspouts: If there are not enough downspouts or an inadequate diameter, water can overflow during heavy rains.

  • Inadequate Downspout Length: Downspouts should extend at least 10 feet away from your home.

2. Preventing Flooding Due to Landscape Design

If not appropriately sloped, landscaping can force surface water to settle toward the house, which, if left unchecked, will weaken the soil around your foundation and lead to cracks in basement walls, allowing water to enter. Avoid this issue by ensuring all landscaping, pathways, and driveways slope away from your home. If this is not possible, then invest in a proper drainage system around your home to carry water away from your foundation. 

3. Reducing the Risk of Storm Water Backing Up

For many older homes, city storm sewers are connected to a perimeter drain. While a sump pump can prevent the risk of water backing up, storm drains can become overwhelmed and leave your sump pump ill-equipped to handle the surge when heavy rains hit. Installing a cap on the external drain can resolve the issue and involve storm damage specialists in the East Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, area.

A flooded basement is preventable by eliminating common causes of surface water flooding. Ensuring gutter systems are adequate, sloping landscaping away from your foundation, and capping off nuisance drain pipes are several ways to prevent future flooding.

Third Party Certification: Upholding Standards and Maintaining Excellence

6/21/2023 (Permalink)


Upholding Standards And Maintaining Excellence

When homes in East Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, need remediation, you want to ensure that the company handling the problem adheres to the highest industry standards. The restoration industry standards are set by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). The IICRC is a third-party certification organization that approves instructors and schools to teach the skills needed to meet its values of expertise, integrity, and excellence.


Training programs such as the ones offered by SERVPRO of East Memphis are IICRC-certified. Classes are offered in various categories:

  • Applied Structural Drying
  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Fire Restoration
  • Upholstery Cleaning
  • Water Restoration

Receiving a mitigation certificate after completing these courses means that the individual can do the job right. When clients hire someone to fix a problem in their homes, you want to verify that the technicians are certified, mitigation experts.


It is not enough that technicians know what they are doing. They also need to be honest and trustworthy. When the IICRC certifies a company or individual, you know you have found someone you can trust. They adhere to a strict standard of ethics and can be expected to be upfront about their clients' homes' assessment and treatment. 


When a certified school or instructor trains specialists, they learn how to exhibit high standards of service. Continuing education courses improve knowledge, turning technicians into industry leaders. These classes also serve to educate insurance and real estate professionals regarding various mitigation processes. Shared knowledge strengthens these partnerships so that together, they can offer more excellent service to the customers they share.

A third-party certification organization sets the industry standard that all mitigation professionals must meet. The values of the IICRC are reflected in each training program and instructor it approves. To ensure quality, professional service, recommend certified mitigation professionals to your clients.

Benefits of Our Large Loss Team

6/21/2023 (Permalink)


When an area in East Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, is affected by a disaster, catastrophic loss often occurs. However, employing a restoration company that can offer a significant loss response can be useful for insurance agents and business owners.

1. Experts Are Equipped With the Right Tools

When a major disaster strikes, the aftermath can be devastating, and it's common for restoration experts to be overwhelmed with requests. Some local restoration companies may not be equipped to handle all types of disasters, and these companies may not have access to specialized tools. A restoration company with a broad reach can bring in experts the necessary tools from various locations to assist in the cleanup and restoration process. 

2. Experience to Handle Catastrophes

Whether a catastrophic loss occurs due to flooding, storm damage, or a fire, it's essential for business owners and insurance agents alike to know that the professionals restoring commercial properties are experienced. One person alone may not have the experience to respond to a major disaster. However, when numerous people assist in responding to a disaster, everyone's combined experience makes the loss response team equipped to manage many aspects of commercial property damage. 

3. Timely Reactions

When widespread damage occurs to an area, a local restoration company may not assess shortly after the disaster. Unfortunately, a slow response can cause a property to acquire more issues, such as mold growth, structural damage, etc. With a large loss response, however, professionals can quickly assess a property, and after a thorough assessment, experts can assist in preventing additional damage and can begin restoration.

A large loss response can make managing the effects of a catastrophic loss easier. A large loss response will allow various professionals from different areas to assess the damage. Experts will have the combined experience to handle multiple significant problems, and the response will likely occur quickly.

Sources of Category 3 Water

9/18/2022 (Permalink)

When floodwaters enter your East Memphis, Tennessee, home the results can be devastating. Floors, walls, and furniture can all be affected, and the humidity that develops inside the house due to standing water might create further damage, such as mold growth. Heavily contaminated water, also known as blackwater, can be especially difficult to remove. However, understanding the situation may help you form an effective plan of action for recovery.

Waterway Overflow

Long periods of rain or sudden torrential downpours can cause localized flooding. Your home may be especially prone to this problem if you live near a natural water source. These can include:

  • A river
  • A large creek
  • Fast-moving streams

Because floodwaters can grow as they move, they can pick up various contaminants like animal feces, sewage chemicals, and toilet water. This is where Category 3 blackwater gets its nickname, as it is often dark with contaminants. 

Sewage Floods 

Outdoor flooding can cause secondary issues, such as a sewer backup in your home. When this occurs, your toilets can overflow with sewer water and waste. Since the flood often creates a contaminated water situation, you must call in a flood damage and water removal company to handle the sewage cleanup and restoration work. 

Standing Water 

Floodwater that comes from overflowing water appliances or a burst pipe in your kitchen may not start as Category 3 water. Still, the longer the water sits, the more contaminated it can become. Humidity can cause stagnant water to degrade, so calling in professionals to have it removed as soon as possible may help minimize the damage. 

Blackwater can cause severe damage to your East Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, home. However, when you understand the source and have a team of flood removal experts standing by, you can often reduce the risk of mold growth and other issues that could be costly later.